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Online From: 26 Jan 2023 To: 26 Jan 2023
Jan 26

Data & Research webinar: Lottery sector trends from EL Report 2021 & Outlook into the Future

Hosted by: EL

Registration is free - Open to EL Lottery Members only!

As in the previous EL Reports (2020), the year 2021 was like no other, influenced by Covid-19 as a non-standard event, which no doubt had an impact on performance of lottery members and long-term trends. Lockdowns continued and retail network access limitations or even full closures of retail points of sales, impacted lottery operations, albeit less than in 2020.
Nevertheless, despite this unfavourable situation, national lotteries continued to find innovative ways to continue regulated services to their players. EL Members increased their efforts to help the impacted societies. The money contributed to society by 50 EL Members in the EU (that reported their contributions) amounted to €17.0bn. The contribution to society by all EL Members reporting the category (69 in total) amounted to €19.1bn. This means 5.1 percent higher contributions to society in 2021 compared to the pre-Covid period of 2019.

During the webinar on 26 January 2023 from 10:00 - 11:30 CET, participants will have the opportunity to hear all about the trends identified in the newly-released EL Report 2021 as well as the Global Gaming Trends & Future Outlook by Ed Birkin, Senior Analyst at H2 Gambling Capital.


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